

티 & 커피 & 파우더 통

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커스텀 푸드 세레모니얼 100g 마차 50g 단백질 파우더 티 틴 용기 빈 파란색 커피 틴 둥근 캔 분쇄 커피용

커스텀 푸드 세레모니얼 100g 마차 50g 단백질 파우더 티 틴 용기 빈 파란색 커피 틴 둥근 캔 분쇄 커피용 대한민국

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Our Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha and 50g protein - powder tea tin container is a versatile option for storing different powders. The blank blue coffee tins round can is also suitable for ground coffee, providing a stylish and practical packaging solution.
주요 특징:
  • 고유한 브랜딩을 위해 사용자 정의가 가능합니다.
  • Holds 100g of matcha and 50g of protein powder.
  • Blank blue color for a simple yet attractive look.
  • 둥근 모양으로 다루기 편리합니다.
  • Suitable for matcha, protein powder, and ground coffee.
어플리케이션 :
  • Ideal for packaging matcha, protein powder, and ground coffee for retail or wholesale.
  • 카페, 찻집, 전문점 등에서 이용 가능합니다.
  • Makes a great gift for coffee and tea lovers who also use protein powder.
  • 집에서 이런 제품을 보관하는 데 적합합니다.
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
마차 깡통 
사용자 정의 크기, 60x68mm
사용자 정의 된 색상
식품 포장
0.23mm 주석도금 또는 그 이상
3000개 또는 협상
리드 타임
샘플 확인 후 25-30일
사용자 화 옵션
스크린 인쇄, 스티커
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee supplier
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee supplier
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
사용자 정의 인쇄 디스플레이
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
관련 상품
회사 소개
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
고객 의견
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee supplier
포장 및 선적
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee details
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee factory
자주 하는 질문
Custom food ceremonial 100g matcha 50g protein-powder tea tin container blank blue coffee tins round can for ground coffee manufacture
도매 친환경 기밀 30gm 마차 가루 금속 통조림 개인 상표 커피 차 주석 캔 포장


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